Page 6 - Kindergarten.indd
P. 6

Use the diagram below to  answer questions 38 and 39.

              The diagram below represents the Earth’s crust and interior layers.

              38   Which evidence most likely led scientists to conclude that there are different

                   layers within Earth’s interior?

                     A.  analysis of earthquake wave data
                     B.  rock samples taken from Earth’s core
                     C.  measurement of Earth’s diameter
                     D.  temperatures taken within each layer

                   Which Earth layer contains convection currents that are believed to be

                   responsible for the movement of Earth’s tectonic plates?

                     A.  the crust
                     B.  the outer core
                     C.  the mantle
                     D.  the inner core

                   Which of the following represents the process by which air flows from one

                   location in the atmosphere to another?

                     A.  radiation

                     B.  absorption
                     C.  convection
                     D.  conduction

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