Page 9 - Kindergarten.indd
P. 9

T E A C H E R   N O T E S

                                      AFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON COMETS - SC.5.E.5.3

                        PROBLEM STATEMENT:
                        How does temperature affect the lifespan of comets?

                        HYPOTHESIS:  (predictions will vary)

                        BACKGROUND INFORMATION:

                        In this activity, students will combine dry ice with other ingredients to form a
                        comet.    Comets  are  small  celestial  bodies  that  revolve  around  the  Sun.    A

                        comet is made up of ice, dust, and small rocks.  Ice-filled comets are formed far
                        away  from  the  Sun.      When  comets,  during  their  orbit,  come  into  close

                        proximity with the Sun, they lose mass as the ice melts and vaporize to form a

                        tail.  The comet then loses its carbon dioxide gases through small holes that
                        eventually resemble craters.  There are only 3,572 known comets.


                              Control Group        Comet  placed on  a tray of ice

                          Independent Variable     Comet placed near the heating lamp

                           Dependent Variable      Time it takes the comet to melt
                                                   The same….
                           Constant (Controlled)
                                 Variables         Dry ice, amount of materials mixed into the dry
                                                   ice, heating source, etc…

                        DATA COLLECTION/OBSERVATIONS:  (data collection will vary)

                        GRAPHS:  (answers will be based on the data collected)

                        RESULTS:  (answers will vary)

                        CONCLUSION:  (answers will vary)

                        APPLICATION:  (answers will vary)

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