Page 6 - Kindergarten.indd
P. 6

Step  7:  Once  the  student  has  finished  writing  the  multiplication  sentence  and
           comparison, they must hold up their dry erase board to be verified by the teacher.

           Step 8: The students  who answered correctly within the allotted time will get 1 point for
           their group.

           Step 9: Continue repeating Steps 5 to 8 until all the members of each group have taken
           their turns.

           Step 10: The group with the highest number of points at the end of the game wins.
           Note: there may be multiple winning teams.

           (1)  How can we translate numeric equations to verbal statements?

           (2)  Explain how the "Using Dominoes to Exercise Multiplication Facts" activity is related
                  to the commutative property of multiplication.

           (3)  How can we identify the factors of a given product?

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