Page 8 - Kindergarten.indd
P. 8

Step 4: Student A will roll the two dice first.

               Step 5: Tell Student A to add the numbers shown by the two dice (remembering
                       that one dot represents 10, two dots represent 20, etc.). If the student gets
                       the correct answer, a point should be recorded on the score sheet.

               Step 6: After Student A’s turn, Student B will then roll the two dice.

               Step 7: Tell Student B to add the numbers shown by the two dice (remembering
                       that one dot  represents  10, two dots represents  20, etc.).  If  the student
                       gets the correct answer, a point should be recorded on the score sheet.

               Step 8: Repeat steps 4 to 7 three more times.

               Step 9: After 4 rounds, tell the students to add the scores they received.

               Step 10: The student with the highest score wins.

   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13